Peter Weltman + the Political Panel

Alright, it’s time for another Herle Burly 2-part pod!

For Part 1 today, it’s “The Return of Peter Weltman”. Peter is Ontario’s independent Financial Accountability Officer, and the first time he guested with us it was one of the newsiest and most listened to episodes in the history of The Herle Burly. We are going to talk about last week’s Ontario budget. The choices that were made and the path the province has charted from here.

Part 2 of the pod is our Political Panel with Jenni Byrne and Scott Reid. We’ll pick up on the Weltman conversation. And then, we’ll do a deep dive into what smells like an impending spring election. This government isn’t going to be defeated on the budget. So, they’re going to have to pull the plug on themselves. Who makes that decision? How do you do it and get any blowback? From your own caucus? From Canadians? Finally, we’ll each do our #HEYYOU!

Thank you for joining us on The Herle Burly podcast. Please take a moment to give us a rating and review on iTunes or your favourite podcast app.

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The Herle Burly was created by Air Quotes Media with support from our presenting sponsor TELUS, as well as CN Rail and MDA.